

“There are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.” This quote explains that everyone’s life is connected to each other’s. Things like the butterfly effect is one way to explain this. Each person has their own life and their own people in it but the things they do don’t just affect them. The things they do affect many people this is what’s called the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is when something someone else does effects another person’s life then what that person does effects another person and it just keeps going on. It is also when someone else does something mediocre but it makes a distinctive change. Therefore, to me this quote means that people can go in all different directions but in the end they still end up affecting each other’s lives. Anything people do will always cause something else to happen. Everything that anyone does is always accounted for, nothing that you do goes without changing something else.

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